Would you like the opportunity to improve your own skills? Have you ever thought about helping your fellow Flight Attendants? Do you want to improve the quality of our work life? We can affect the change we want to see in our workplace by becoming involved in our Union, AFA-CWA. Our Union committee volunteers play an integral part in promoting our career as aviation’s first responders. Review the opportunities and roles offered by each AFA committee below. Contact your Local Council Representative for information about how to get involved.
If you would like to volunteer for a committee, please email . We are always looking for volunteers. Ideally, we would like at least one flight attendant from each base on every committee. The more people we have, the more voices we have, the stronger we are!
If you have any questions or concerns and you are not sure who to ask, please send an email to any of your officers at , or and we will point you in the right direction.